Curation & Design
River Country community day, National Museum of Australia, Canberra, ACT 2023
The River Country community day brought over 50 First Nations and non-Indigenous cultural leaders from across the Murray-Darling Basin to share their experiences with and responses to environmental change. Approximately 2000 visitors of all ages explored conversations, dance and spoken word performances, music and hands-on workshops, learning about threatened rivers and wetlands and sharing their waterway stories.
Roles: Concept, co-development and co-facilitation
Photo: Damian McDonald, courtesy National Museum of Australia.
National Museum of Australia curatorial program, 2004 - 16
As a senior and, then, head curator at the National Museum of Australia, I led a number of significant projects ranging across collections, exhibitions and public engagement. These included:
People and the Environment program, 2011-2016: One of the museum’s three main curatorial areas, encompassing all relevant collections, exhibitions and public engagement work.
Spirited: Australia’s Horse Story, 2014: A major temporary exhibition, co-curated by myself and Martha Sear.
Landmarks: People and Places across Australia, 2011: A major permanent gallery tracing a broad history of Australia through place stories. My role included directing a team of ten curators to develop all concept and content creation, design, collections development, text and interactives.
Journeys: Australia’s Connections with the World, 2009: A major gallery tracing Australia’s place in global flows of people, goods and ideas. Roles as for Landmarks.
Circa, 2009. A theatrical, multi-media experience telling the story of Australia through the Museum’s collections. My roles included concept development, script editing, collections development and curatorial realisation.
Multiple smaller curatorial and program projects.
Photo: National Museum of Australia
PhotoAccess Artistic Program, Canberra, ACT, 2018 - 2022
As Director, PhotoAccess, I led the artistic development and delivery of the centre’s exhibition, workshops, public engagement and digital program. This included the curation and management, each year, of approximately 25 exhibitions, 50 workshops and 20 public and outreach programs. Over my four year tenure, PhotoAccess grew significantly, leading in 2023, to the organisation securing, for the first time, Australia Council four-year funding support.
Role: Artistic Director
Photo: Pew Pew Studio for ArtsACT.
Prahbat Playbox, Prahbat Foundation, Ahmedabad, India, 2017
As part of a UK-India design exchange, I joined a cross-cultural team developing a set of play equipment for Prahbat Foundation students living with cerebral palsy. This project included research with Foundation staff and students, collaborative concept development and design iteration, and fabrication and installation.
Roles: Co-research, concept, design and fabrication.
Photo: Sara Jarc.
Moving Stories, St Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre, London, UK
Moving Stories was an exhibition exchange installation engaging St Pancras and Somers Town residents in public conversations about improving health and well-being in the neighbourhood, historically a deprived area now transitioning through the building of large medical research facilities. As part of a team of four, I undertook social and action research and designed an engaging, low cost interactive space that both provided information on wellbeing opportunities and gathered information about residents’ ways of life.
Roles: Research, co-curation and design, co-fabrication and installation
Photo: Cruz Maria Vallespir